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incoterm exw 2020 responsabilidades


incoterm exw 2020 responsabilidades

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- Incoterms ® 2020, ICC Germany, S. 27). En qué momento y lugar se produce la transferencia de riesgos sobre la mercancía, del vendedor . is obliged to carry out custom clearance formalities in his country. In all rules there is no obligation from the buyer to the seller as regards packaging and marking. Ex Works (EXW), a rule from Incoterms ® 2020, describes the shipment of goods from the seller at their business place normally at their plant, office, or storage. Dessa forma, o comprador consegue negociar os valores para poder arcar com os maiores riscos. In fact, none of the Incoterms rules is inherently better than any other one. 6 min. EXW E-factory Incoterms 2020. authorization necessary for the export of goods. However if the sales contract is not well-drafted, while the seller might be expecting that the buyer is going to export the goods to an overseas market it could find that the buyer is in fact unable to complete export formalities and tries to reduce its potential losses by selling the goods into the seller’s home market at a discounted price. In all the rules the seller bears all risks of loss or damage to the goods until they have been delivered in accordance with A2 described above. In effect, using EXW as described in Incoterms 2020 is almost impossible. Diagram: EXW – The seller does not need to then load items onto a truck or ship, and the remainder of the shipment is the responsibility of the buyer (e.g. Por isso, a própria ICC recomenda que esse termo seja usado apenas no comércio interno de cada país e não em importações e exportações. Pagar el precio de los bienes según lo acordado. Incoterms® 2020与其2010版本相比,有两个主要变化: 适用于任何运输模式的贸易术语. The buyer also must pay any additional costs incurred either if they have failed to take delivery of the goods when they have been placed at their disposal or if they have failed to give the seller appropriate notice provided the seller had clearly identified the goods as being the contract goods. Notifies please see below 1000-1.75/pc, 2000-1.65/pc, 10000-1.50/pc, EXW". Por isso, esse deve ser um acordo entre ambas as partes. Y por lo que respecta al vendedor, tendrá que esperar a que el transitario o el agente de aduanas que ha contratado el comprador, le envíe un ejemplar del documento aduanero de exportación (DUA o equivalente). Este tipo de Incoterm é aceito em todos os modais disponíveis. agreed time. Not only that, it is not the seller’s responsibility to load the goods onto the buyer’s collecting means of transport. Puedes aprender más sobre qué cookies utilizamos o desactivarlas en los ajustes. Entre eles, destacamos o Incoterm EXW, único do grupo E e que define as menores responsabilidades para o vendedor. When using EXW, the seller may want to consider slight changes to the terms and conditions. out all import, export and transit clearance formalities. . the buyer’s request provides the risk and cost of assistance in obtaining the All advantage would seem to be to the seller, it does nothing more than shout (or email) “come and get ‘em” or words to that effect. The seller however does have an obligation to provide the buyer with any information in its possession, including any transport-related security requirements, and requested by the buyer at its risk and request. The seller certainly would not allow a buyer to go rampaging around the premises in a forklift that the buyer rolled off their vehicle, and to physically move the goods off say a rack three metres up might need a specialised forklift. In each of the rules the buyer must pay the price for the goods as stated in the contract of sale. Esta regla es la que implica menos obligaciones para el vendedor, ya que sólo tiene la responsabilidad de poner a disposición del comprador la mercancía correctamente embalada o empaquetada y debidamente marcada para su transporte. overseas shipment and customs duty). The seller delivers simply when the goods are placed at the disposal of the buyer at an agreed point, which is usually the seller’s own premises or somewhere like their contracted manufacturer, on the specifically agreed date or within the agreed period such as “by 31 March” or “within 90 days after contract date.” This means that even though the goods are simply sitting within the seller’s premises they have already been “delivered,” the act of delivery here is not a physical handing over by a movement of the goods but a notional one achieved by the seller giving the appropriate notice to the buyer. Another possibility is that the buyer is buying goods not only from one seller but a number of sellers and chooses to accumulate them at another location then consolidate them into one larger more cost-effective shipment in one or more shipping containers. the EXW rule applies to any type of transport. The seller does not need to then load items onto a truck or ship, and the remainder of the shipment is the responsibility of the buyer (e.g. with the contract of sale and any other evidence of conformity with the Já no Incoterm FCA, o risco passa para o comprador quando as mercadorias são entregues pelo vendedor na transportadora designada. In each of the eleven rules the seller must provide the goods and their commercial invoice as required by the contract of sale and any other evidence of conformity such as an analysis certificate or weighbridge document etc that might be relevant and specified in the contract. Pongámoslo así: este término comercial significa el mínimo compromiso para el vendedor y la máxima obligación para el comprador. They are recognized as the authoritative text for determining how costs and risks are allocated to the parties conducting international transactions. Like what you read? Ex-Works(EXW) First of all, it's EX-Works. Although the U.S. Foreign Trade Regulations (FTR) don’t reference Incoterms and the Incoterms 2020 rules don’t reference any countries’ specific trade regulations, Ex Works is the trade term that is often used during a routed export transaction. Asumir el costo de la verificación, el control de calidad, la medición, el pesaje, el conteo, el empaque de los productos, el marcado, entre otros, hasta dejar las mercancías correctamente acondicionadas para que puedan empezar el tránsito internacional. Incoterms EXW. Consulta nuestro vídeo explicativo sobre tipos de Incoterms® 2020 en español de la mano de la abogada Marta Torrents y Luis Mayans, Senior Manager Insurance & Procurement de DSV en nuestro evento para clientes del 30-10-2019 en Barcelona. TODOS OS DIREITOS RESERVADOS, AVISO LEGAL | The rules do not refer to when the payment is to be made (before shipment, immediately after shipment, thirty days after shipment, half now half later, or whatever) or how it is to be paid (prepayment, against an email of copy documents, on presentation of documents to a bank under a letter of credit, or other arrangement). EXW "Ex Work" o "Puesto en Fabrica" significa que el exportador/vendedor realiza la entrega de la mercadería una vez que la pone a disposición del importador en el establecimiento del mismo o en otro lugar convenido como puede ser: un taller, fabrica o almacén. delivery. Incoterms 2020 EXW - podział kosztów Jakie są obowiązki sprzedającego? Si el vendedor quiere la menor responsabilidad posible en la operación, o el comprador quiere controlarla lo máximo posible, recomendamos que, al menos, la operación se realice en condiciones FCA, Franco transportista o Lugar designado, en este caso: almacén del vendedor. According to this rule the buyer must load the vehicle but in most cases this is simply not practical for a number of reasons. This 94 page guide provides an article by article commentary on Incoterms® 2020. If the parties agree that the buyer is entitled to nominate a place of taking delivery within the named place, and/or the time within any agreed period, the buyer must give the seller sufficient notice. Under Incoterms 2020, EXW can be used for any mode of transport. Es decir, es el importador quien se encarga de la exportación. As an exporter, you need to understand these in detail. El Incoterm EXW es favorable para los exportadores, ya que representa un mínimo riesgo. La información de las cookies se almacena en tu navegador y realiza funciones tales como reconocerte cuando vuelves a nuestra web o ayudar a nuestro equipo a comprender qué secciones de la web encuentras más interesantes y útiles. Incluyen aspectos como costos, obligaciones y contratos internacionales. Notificar al comprador que los bienes están listos para recogerlos. Essa é, portanto, a maior desvantagem para o comprador. Incoterms es la abreviación de "términos de comercio internacional". Principales cambios para esta nueva década Reordenamiento de reglas The buyer is responsible for loading the goods on their transport and everything else necessary to get the goods to the final destination. EXW representa la mínima obligación para la empresa vendedora. Unfortunately, this Under the Incoterms 2020 rules, EXW means the seller has fulfilled its obligation when the goods are made available to the buyer, usually at the seller’s location. Proporcionar la documentación local adicional o complementaria para la exportación de los bienes. Vale lembrar que, nesse caso, o desconto tem que compensar os riscos que o vendedor irá arcar ao assumir toda a responsabilidade da mercadoria. | CNPJ: 24.765.993/0001-50. Por ello, en esta ocasión empezamos con el EXW Incoterms. The seller most likely, for insurance and safety reasons, will not allow non-employees into their warehouse or factory. Un incoterm representa un término universal que define una transacción entre importador y exportador, de forma que ambas partes entiendan las tareas, costos, riesgos y responsabilidades, así como el manejo logístico y de transportación desde la salida del producto hasta la recepción por el país importador. Son los siguientes: Ex Works (EXW) Can be used for any transport mode, or where there is more than one transport mode. EXW, FOB, CIF o CFR son los incoterms más usados. Proporcionar una factura comercial y la lista de empaque, o un documento electrónico equivalente, y generar evidencia de conformidad o prueba de entrega. Escritora, contadora de histórias, leitora e apaixonada por conhecimento. the delivery of the goods and provides the seller with evidence of having taken It is the buyer who must arrange this, and that introduces all manner of potential problems. The ICC updated the terms into what is called Incoterm 2020. Os termos da edição de 2020 são divididos da seguinte forma: Dessa forma, o  Incoterm EXW é o único que não prevê que o vendedor seja obrigado a realizar operações de desembaraço aduaneiro para exportação. Dessa forma, caberá ao exportador arcar com os custos do desembaraço da mercadoria. Despite having the risk of loss or damage to the goods from the delivery point, the buyer does not have an obligation to the seller to insure the goods. Este es uno de los pocos tipos de Incoterms exw donde sobre el vendedor no tiene que recaer casi ninguna responsabilidad. Besides, the buyer covers all Atualmente o mundo inteiro utiliza a tabela INCOTERMS 2022, que contempla as normas norteadoras de uma negociação internacional e limita as responsabilidades de cada uma das partes envolvidas nas tratativas.. Pensando nisso, elaboramos um texto repleto de detalhes em relação ao INCOTERM EXW, visto que ele é um dos termos mais utilizados no meio internacional. Quando esta for a escolha dos Incoterms 2020, fica estabelecido que é de responsabilidade do exportador arcar com todos os custos para entrega da carga no país de destino, em local previamente negociado. The ICC has divided the 11 Incoterms into those that can be used for any mode of transportation and those that should only be used for transport by “sea and inland waterway.” That’s because companies were too often choosing Incoterms where risk and responsibilities transferred at a point that made no sense in a non-ocean journey. The risk to the seller is that the buyer has already received the goods and if the seller is not familiar with LCs and makes a mistake in its documents so they are not compliant and rejected, of if the buyer or its bank are unscrupulous, they can claim a spurious discrepancy in the presented documents, refusing to pay. In all rules the seller must pay the costs of any checking operations which are necessary for delivering the goods, such as checking quality, measuring the goods and/or packaging, weighing, counting the goods and/or packaging. Like what you see? Incoterms je okrajšava za International Commerce Terms, zbirko mednarodnih terminov za določanje cene blaga, ki so veljavni po celem svetu za sporazumevanje med kupci in prodajalci . Aliás, os custos e riscos associados ao transporte da mercadoria passam para o comprador quando o vendedor coloca a mercadoria no local acordado, que normalmente é seu armazém ou fábrica. Now seems like the perfect time to make sure you understand each of the terms, so you can make sure you’re speaking the same language as your international trading partner. La empresa vendedora también debe facilitar la documentación mínima requerida para la aduana de salida. Cómo funciona el Incoterm FCA Existen dos modalidades: El vendedor entrega en su fábrica pero es responsable del costo y riesgo de la maniobra de carga. Delivered At Place Unloaded (DPU) A basic 16 page guide on the Ex Works Incoterms® 2020 Rule, to be used in conjunction with The International Chamber of Commerce’s (ICC) new book, INCOTERMS® 2020. 21 January, 2020 / in Logistics / by TIBA Team. Even if the seller at the last minute places the goods outside the doors of its warehouse while ever the buyer attempts to load on the seller’s grounds there are likely to be similar problems. completing export, import or transit clearance formalities. Ventajas de contar con un despacho de aduanas a nivel internacional. Por isso, é sempre importante ficar de olho nas atualizações. Diario del Exportador diario digital líder en brindar información en materia de Comercio Exterior y Gestión de Negocios Internacionales. ), após isso é de responsabilidade do comprador providenciar o transporte da origem até o destino bem como toda documentação, desembaraço, seguro e custear estes e outros fatores. Término E. Nuevo Incoterm® DPU, sustituyendo a DAT Navedene kratice so prilastki za ceno, označujejo torej kraj, kjer navedena cena velja . Todos os direitos reservados. EXW is therefore more favourable to the seller as they do not need to worry about the freight once it has left their premises. Comercio Diccionario económico The banks typically want to see a negotiable bill of lading for sea, an air waybill for air, a copy of a rail or road transport document as appropriate. Will the seller allow the buyer’s transport contractor to bring their own forklift and labour, and allow them to rampage around the seller’s warehouse? Cost Insurance and Freight (CIF). Preparar la mercancía según se haya establecido en el contrato de compraventa, embalarla, empaquetarla y marcarla adecuadamente y según el modo de transporte elegido. Los Incoterms son términos que se modifican cada 10 años y sirven para acordar las responsabilidades de los exportadores e importadores a nivel global. This rule places minimum responsibility on the seller, who merely has to make the goods available, suitably packaged, at the specified place, usually the seller's factory or depot. Precautions should be taken. EXW EXW (Ex Works) No Incoterm EXW (Ex Works) o vendedor disponibiliza a mercadoria em seu estabelecimento ou outro lugar definido (Armazém, fábrica, etc. El motivo es que las responsabilidades del vendedor en condiciones EXW se limitan a preparar la mercancía y asegurarse de que quede lista para la recogida. ); sin despacharla para la exportación, ni cargarla en un vehículo de transporte. La nueva edición es más sencilla y fácil de comprender para el usuario. all the costs and risks of the goods. Teléfono: +34934795627 E-mail: . Now for letters of credit (LCs). Assuming that it is in a good position to do so then it would likely find that it can arrange all transport and formalities at the same costs as might be offered the seller were it of a mind to do so, but without paying the seller any mark-up on these costs. Crane Worldwide Logistics creó una tabla en PDF . If the goods are lost or damaged in transit, and the buyer therefore refuses to pay for them, in essence breaching the contract, the seller will want to have a fall-back of being able to claim on its own marine insurance. Ex Works (EXW) is the term used to describe the delivery of goods to an available designation at their place of business, normally in their factory, offices or warehouse. O Incoterm EXW (Ex Works), definido pela Câmara de Comércio Internacional (ICC), é o termo que envolve os menores riscos e custos para o vendedor. Incoterms 2020 rules outline whether the seller or the buyer is responsible for, and must assume the cost of, specific standard tasks that are part of the international transport of goods. Follow Shipping Solutions. Estas son las novedades principales: Simplificación de la normativa. 11 términos Incoterms. That's because a seller's responsibilities end with preparing the goods and making sure it's ready for pick up. Und das mit gutem Grunde: EXW ermöglicht es dem Verkäufer nicht, den Frachtführer auszusuchen - er soll gerade nicht der . Incoterm 2020 FCA: Obligaciones de vendedor y comprador FCA A2/B2: Entrega FCA A4/B4: Transporte FCA A5/B5: Seguro FCA A6/B6: Entrega, transporte y documentación FCA A7/B7: Despacho de exportación / importación FCA A8/B8: Comprobación / Embalaje / Marcado FCA A9/B9: Asignación de costos FCA A10/B10: Avisos If the goods are going to be at a location other than the seller’s premises, such as a contracted manufacturer, or if the seller has several places within their premises such as numerous despatch docks, this information needs to be communicated to the buyer so their vehicle goes to the correct location. These are matters for which the parties need to make specific provisions in the contract of sale. La Cámara de Comercio Internacional recomienda la siguiente estructura: El término Incoterms + lugar de entrega + Regla Incoterms 2020. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(361415, '34346154-3f19-4ff4-b3a1-179f4b533d76', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); Join the 33,143 other exporters and importers who get the latest news, tips and insights from international trade professionals. EXW is therefore best kept for domestic trades where questions of export formalities, how to claim refund of taxes and so on simply don’t come into the equation, and where in those rare occasions the buyer is able to load the goods without all the local rules and regulations preventing it from doing so. Ex Works (EXW), una regla de Incoterms ® 2020, describe el envío de bienes del vendedor en su lugar comercial, normalmente en su planta, oficina o almacenamiento. INCOTERM 2020 EXW - PUESTO EN FABRICA. Qual o valor do IPCA hoje e o acumulado de 2022? En este artículo de Incoterms, desarrollaremos el aspecto de responsabilidades incoterm FCA. Gestionar la exportación de la carga en el país de origen y gestionar la importación de los bienes en el país de destino. O Incoterm EXW é muito mais vantajoso para o vendedor, já que esse tem responsabilidades mínimas sobre a mercadoria. Assim como também não deve lidar com toda a burocracia para garantir a exportação. Delivered at Place (DAP) Pero realmente, se deja el contenedor en una terminal y no en el buque. He also sits on the Fintech Working Group of the Standardised Trust. Este documento será la prueba a efectos fiscales de que se ha realizado un exportación para la declaración de impuestos, como por ejemplo el IVA. De forma resumida, podemos dizer que os riscos e custos passam ao comprador assim que a mercadoria sai da fábrica, ou outro local de coleta. Assim, vendedor e comprador conseguem analisar quais riscos preferem correr e negociar os preços corretamente. Be the first to rate this post. The International Trade Blog International Sales & Marketing, On: June 16, 2021    |    By:  David Noah    |    Delivery Duty Paid (DDP) Free Ex Works Podcast BILBAO FCA: El vendedor cumple con sus obligaciones cuando entrega la mercancía al transportista elegido por el comprador, en el lugar determinado. Já no contrato FOB, o vendedor é obrigado a entregar os produtos comercializados em um porto específico designado pelo comprador. Usually the seller would be best placed to load the buyer’s vehicle, but if this is the expectation then the contract should clearly state that they do so at the buyer’s cost and risk. This includes loading charges, delivery to port, export duties and taxes, origin terminal charges, loading on carriage, carriage charges, destination terminal charges, delivery to destination, and import duty and taxes. The seller does not have the risk beyond the delivery point so it has no obligation to the buyer to arrange a contract of insurance. This rule’s first version came into force in the original Incoterms® 1936 and included in its heading “Ex-factory, ex-mill, explantation, ex-warehouse etc” in the English section of that book with German and French translations included in the book. こちらで上海向けのEXWの取引になるとわかり、. Até porque, com a concentração de responsabilidades atreladas ao comprador, o vendedor não precisa se preocupar com os trâmites de um processo de exportação. Vamos lá? hbspt.forms.create({ Ex works Incoterm: an introduction Additionally, if the buyer fails to give notice as described in B10 below and if the goods have been clearly identified as the goods described in the contract then the buyer bears all risks of loss or damage from the agreed date or the end of the agreed period for delivery. To make a workable LC as far as the seller is concerned it would need to call only for an invoice, possibly a packing list, and a copy of the buyer’s receipt (not the original, that should rightly be kept by the seller). the transport of goods from the place of delivery. Asimismo, EXW es aconsejable cuando se trata de operaciones entre empresas de un mismo grupo empresarial. EXW significa que "compete al comprador (…) llevar a cabo todos los trámites aduaneros para la exportación de mercancía". What would be the insurance, workplace safety and other ramifications of this? Los Incoterms vigentes en este momento (2022) son los de la versión 2020 - 2030. (See my article, Why I Hate Routed Export Transactions.). En una operación de compraventa bajo el término EXW el vendedor realiza la entrega de la mercancía cuando la dispone a disposición del comprador, fuera de las instalaciones del vendedor, o en otro lugar convenido (taller, fábrica, almacén, etc. It also means for example where the delivery period is a particular calendar month, and the buyer wants to take delivery on the 17th day of that month, the buyer must give sufficient notice of this to the seller. This allows for the buyer itself to take delivery of the goods such as might occur in a domestic transaction. Because the freight forwarder follows instructions from the buyer, the seller may run into trouble satisfying the letter of credit. Por ende, este término se aconseja para las transacciones nacionales. También deberá ayudar al comprador en caso que éste solicite algún otro documento que sea requerido para poder despachar la mercancía. Carries Como por exemplo, EXW carregado e desembaraçado na alfândega, ou usar o Incoterm FCA. Deepesh is the host of the ‘Trade Finance Talks’ podcast and ‘Trade Finance Talks TV’. Il conviendrait donc d'utiliser l'incoterm FCA qui reflète plus fidèlement la répartition des obligations entre un vendeur et un acheteur dans une opération de vente de . Free Alongside Ship (FAS) EXW is more suited to domestic transactions rather than international transactions. Incoterms 2010 vs 2020 . Los INCOTERMS 2020 ofrecen la posibilidad de que comprador y vendedor acuerden que el comprador de instrucciones al porteador para. Por isso, é sempre importante indicar o local da transferência do risco. that the buyer will carry out export clearance formalities. El EXW es uno de los Incoterms más utilizados, aunque muchas veces se hace de forma incorrecta. The rules do not define what “electronic form” is, it can be anything from a pdf file to blockchain or some format yet to be developed in the future. En este artículo hablaremos todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el Incoterms EXW (Ex Works, en español: En Fábrica) en la versión 2020. Another aspect of EXW that makes life difficult is that the seller has no obligation to load the buyer’s means of transport. En los Incoterms 2020 se trata con mayor precisión la responsabilidad sobre la seguridad en dos circunstancias: el transporte desde el país de origen al de destino y los trámites de despacho aduanero (exportación/tránsito/importación). In this role, Deepesh leads efforts in developing TFG’s brand, relationships and strategic direction in key markets, including the UK, US, Singapore, Dubai and Hong Kong. El EXW Incoterms establece que el vendedor deberá: El EXW Incoterms establece que el comprador deberá: Actualidad de Logisber, Aduanas y normativas, Comercio internacional. Cost and Freight (CFR) Assim, em uma compra internacional, é responsabilidade do próprio comprador lidar com todas as questões do desembaraço aduaneiro ainda no país de origem. Incoterms 2020 EXW The rules for international transport are defined by Incoterms. If you are regularly involved in international trade, you need to understand the risks and responsibilities for each of the Incoterms 2020 rules, not just pick the term you always use. CIF is one of only two incoterms that explicitly detail which party is responsible for insurance. read. Furthermore, while EXW can be used for any transport mode, CIF is intended for sea and inland waterway transport. Check with the ICC local representative in your country for further information. almacén del comprador. In domestic transactions the buyer has no obligation to the seller as there are not likely to be any clearances required. Fueron crearon en 1936, por parte de la Cámara de Comercio Internacional (CCI). As you can see, the EXW rule has not changed significantly in Incoterms 2020. La última actualización de los Incoterms fue en 2020. Supongamos que se indica un año diferente, por ejemplo, Incoterms ® 1980, se aplican los términos respectivos. EXW Incoterms: obligaciones y responsabilidades, He leído y acepto la ley de protección de datos *. A definição do incoterm tem um impacto direto no preço e na logística de entrega entre o vendedor e o comprador. This means for example that if the agreed delivery place is a large bulk storage facility, the buyer may nominate a particular area which is outside a restricted zone, in which it is not allowed to operate its own equipment with its own personnel, so that it can load its vehicle. Existen 11 Incoterms vigentes: EXW, FCA, FAS, FOB, CFR, CIF, CPT, CIP, DPU, DAP y DDP. Source: ICC. From 1 January 2020 all imports and exports are regulated by the new Incoterms 2020 rules. La Cámara de Comercio Internacional establece que el incoterm DAT (Delivered at Terminal o Entrega en terminal) se sustituye por Delivered at Place Unloaded (DPU) o Mercancía entregada y descargada en el lugar acordado. Incoterms are a set of internationally recognised and accepted rules covering the conditions of sale and establishing the rights and responsibilities of both buyer and seller in international trade. The buyer’s role in EXW is that they must take delivery when the seller has made the goods available and has given their notice of this under A10. However, the risk is transferred when the goods The 2020 edition is available in no fewer than 29 languages — from Estonian and German to Pashto and Spanish. EXW Incoterms: obligaciones y responsabilidades Incoterm EXW: obligaciones del vendedor y del comprador El EXW Incoterms (Ex Works/Franco fábrica, domicilio vendedor) pertenece al Grupo E y es el único de este grupo que ha fijado la International Chamber of Commerce ( ICC ), entidad que define y actualiza los Incoterms. Es importante resaltarlo en el contrato: EXW 2020 o FCA 2020 (o el que corresponda). Los Incoterms establecen los criterios acerca de la distribución, de los costes, y delimitan las responsabilidades entre el comprador y el vendedor. Este INCOTERM es muy desaconsejable para las dos partes, ya que el vendedor pierde el control de la mercancía y las garantías de que todos los trámites de la exportación se realicen de forma correcta y el comprador tiene que hacerse cargo de todos los costes desde la recogida y carga de la mercancía en el país de origen y tramites de documentos . Company Registration:SHIPHUBKönigsberger Ring 8130-559 Hannover, GermanyVAT ID: DE 300671334, Insurance of goods on the terms of Incoterms 2020 EXW, Incoterms 2020 EXW and other Incoterms rules. . _______________________________________________________________________. The transport document and any export formalities should not show the seller as exporter or consignor, and a carrier doing this would be completely incorrect and making serious misrepresentations which could come back to the detriment of the seller. La dirección del responsable del fichero es: LOGISBER FORWARDING, SL con NIF: B64057706 y domicilio en Passatge Montserrat Isern 2-4, 3º 3ª – 08908 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona. A partir de Janeiro de 2020 entra em vigor uma nova versão, confira aqui o Incoterms 2020 todos termos. 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